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Transform Your Organization's
Digital Potential with Cutting-Edge Solutions

Engage with proficient consultants for superior end results
Our Story

We aim to empower organizations to thrive in a dynamic digital era, revolutionizing their operations and accelerating growth via New Ways of Working.

Delve into our story, explore our visionary aspirations, and discover how we leverage technology to shape tomorrow, today

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the forefront IT Consulting partner, driving digital upliftment through exceptional cutting edge technologies, Robotic Process Automations, and implementing them on secured Cloud services.


We are committed to optimizing processes through cutting-edge Robotic Process Automations, fostering engagement and learning with Gamification, and facilitating rapid knowledge acquisition via Microlearnings.

Abstract Blue Light
Who are we

What sets us apart

Empowering Growth through Innovative IT Solutions: Explore Our Services

Data & RPA Services

Abstract Blue Light
Data Migration Capabilities
Data migration capabilities

Robotic Process Automation

Empower your efficiency with Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Our specialized IT consulting service brings the power of automation to small and mid-size companies, streamlining processes, reducing errors, and boosting productivity. Let our RPA solutions revolutionize your operations, enabling you to focus on strategic growth and innovation.

Data & Cloud Migration

Efficiently transition your data and operations to the Cloud with our expert Data and Cloud Migration services. Tailored for small and mid-size companies, we ensure seamless integration, scalability, and enhanced security, allowing you to harness the power of modern technology for optimal business performance.

Robotic Process Automation ensures faster resolutions, remove waste and improve efficiencies

LMS & Microlearning Services

How it works

Learning Management Solutions

Elevate education with our IT consultancy's tailored Learning Management Solutions. Empower universities with a customizable platform for seamless content delivery, user management, and insightful analytics, revolutionizing the learning experience.

Gamification & Microlearning

Elevate learning: Our IT consultancy provides Gamification & Microlearning to businesses and educational institutes. Engage employees and students with interactive gamified modules and bite-sized lessons, driving knowledge retention and performance.

Fundamental Services

Empowering your Digital Transformation, we specialize in personalized Mobile and Web Development. Paired with Agile Consulting, our fundamental solutions drive your journey towards a tech-enhanced future

Cutting-Edge Web and Mobile Solutions

Experience the forefront of technology with our cutting-edge web and mobile solutions. We craft innovative applications that seamlessly blend creativity and functionality, ensuring a user-centric experience that stays ahead of the curve. Elevate your digital presence and engage your audience with our advanced, future-ready solutions

Strategic Agility for Modern Business Challenges

Navigate the dynamic business landscape with strategic agility. Our approach equips you to swiftly respond to modern challenges, leveraging proactive strategies that capitalize on opportunities and mitigate risks. Stay ahead in today's competitive environment by embracing adaptable solutions that drive growth and success

Building Agile Proficiency through Expert Coaching

Enhance your capabilities with our expert coaching, tailored to cultivate agile proficiency. Our seasoned coaches provide personalized coaching, guidance, empowering your teams to master agile methodologies. Through hands-on mentoring, we enable you to implement agile practices effectively, fostering continuous improvement and innovation culture

With a commitment to innovation and client-centricity, we pave the way for your digital success. Our skilled team merges technology prowess with strategic insights to bring your visions to life

Abstract Blue Light
Monash University

"One of the Trusted Consulting Vendors"



Don't hesitate to connect with our skilled IT consultants. Whether you have questions, need guidance, or want to discuss a project, we're here to help. Feel leave your details below, and we'll respond promptly.


Looking forward to assisting you on your Digital Transformation journey!

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Suite 1001 Level-10 365 Little Collins St, Melbourne 3000 VIC


@2020 Analytica Consulting & Training Services.

All Rights Reserved. ABN: 83639956504

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